Monday, October 8, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Not sure if you all know this site, but if you, like me, feel like a broken record when you see a maya rig lift one leg up while keeping the pelvis stationary, send your students to

In particular, there's a great article on the physics of balance and weight shift that does a great job of breaking it down.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Useful Maya tool

Hey Animation teachers,

We just started using Chris Zurbrigg's 'blue pencil' animation plug in for maya.

I highly recommend it. He'll give discounts to students and teachers. It's really fast and for me, indispensable.

Blue Pencil Preview from Chris Zurbrigg on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

google docs

It was great meeting everyone.

I wanted to kick this off by sharing some of my reference material, etc.

Presentation - the 12 Principles
This is really nothing fancy, but I cobbled it together to fill in some of the gaps on those nights when only half the class showed up.

I've maintained a blog for some time, though it's lapsed into obscurity after not consistently posting the past year, but has some lecture notes which I'm attempting to distill into a more cogent format, though has the occasional nugget, like how to speak like Michael Caine.

Some more potentially useful links.

I don't hold any of these up as being anything terribly fantastic, but have helped me to fill in the gaps to a degree

Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome to the AAU ANIM blog

This is a site created to serve the following functions:
  1. Create a way for all of the animation teachers to easily connect with each other.
  2. Share ideas for classroom activities and lessons.
  3. Help with the task of finding a substitute instructor if you're sick/absent.
  4. Answer common questions, especially for new teachers.
The only folks who can see this blog are the invited authors.