Tuesday, February 14, 2012

google docs

It was great meeting everyone.

I wanted to kick this off by sharing some of my reference material, etc.

Presentation - the 12 Principles
This is really nothing fancy, but I cobbled it together to fill in some of the gaps on those nights when only half the class showed up.

I've maintained a blog for some time, though it's lapsed into obscurity after not consistently posting the past year, but has some lecture notes which I'm attempting to distill into a more cogent format, though has the occasional nugget, like how to speak like Michael Caine.

Some more potentially useful links.

I don't hold any of these up as being anything terribly fantastic, but have helped me to fill in the gaps to a degree

1 comment:

  1. Great post to kick this off Jeff. I'll gather up some of the stuff I have assembled as well as links to some video demos I have assembled.
